Your Fairgrounds
Our Evacuation Center
It’s another reason WHY your Fairgrounds is so important to all of us…
Calls to your Fairgrounds began Sunday as community members were requested, then required to evacuate as the fires around us continued to grow. Fairgrounds volunteers began assembling pens and cages for those animals that were being brought to the fairgrounds for safety. Buildings were put to use to house community members displaced due to the evacuation
(following required social distancing and face masks requirements for all involved).
Working with the County of Santa Cruz Emergency Services Office as well as other agencies, the fairgrounds once again is there to house those in need. Over the next few days we know that there will certainly be more community members sheltering at the grounds. More information is available at Cal Fire and Red Cross Websites.
Please consider making a donation to the Fairgrounds Foundation at this time so this vital service can continue for all of us in need.
We will update this page as necessary during this Evacuation Time here in our Community.
Click the donate button to make sure Your Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds is here when we need it, no matter when.